
Study findspizzawill make you moreproductive than money

Free pizza is a common motivator on college campuses, but a new study has found that free pizza in the workplacecan increase productivity more than money, esquire reports.
The study was conducted by Duke University psychology professorDan Ariely and published in hisnewbook, payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations. It lookedatproductivity levels of workes at factory in Israel when they were offered different incentives to produce a certain number of chips.
The firstgroup was offered a cash bonus ofaround $30, the secondgroup was offered an appreciation text from their boss, the third group was offered a voucher for pizza and thefourth group was a control group, receiving no incentives for increased productivity.
On the first day, pizza cameout on top with a 6.7 percent increase in productivity compared to the control group. The compliment from theboss came in second, while the cash bonus came in third with only a 4.9 percent increasecompared to the control group.
Surprisingly, on thesencondday, the cash bonus finished13.2 percent below the control group, and over the course of the study,cost the company more-it resulted in a 6.5 percent decrease in productivity.
At the conclusion of the week, the well done text from the boss was the ultimate motivator, with free pizza cominginsecond, the control group in third andthemoney bonus group in fourth.
So next timeyour internship bosswants you to up the amount your doing, tell them that a compliment and s slice of pizza will go a loong way in helping you get it done!

