
 customers demand the best — and that’s what we deliver. At The Chemical Company, we understand our customers’ need for the best from their chemical suppliers. The challenges of a fluctuating, worldwide economy are many. Every dollar and every sale is precious. Your customers expect the best from you so they can compete in today’s ever-evolving chemical marketplace. That’s when The Chemical Company is invaluable. When you need the best — we deliver.
We have consistently provided our clients with the highest quality chemical products and efficient service in the chemical industry for over 30 years. And we are exporting business 4 years experiences.We believe in building lasting relationships by partnering with our chemical suppliers and customers around the globe to form strong alliances. This practice translates into better sourcing and competitive pricing. Establishing a relationship with The Chemical Company will put a quarter-century of experience and expertise to work for you. The Chemical Company  is one of the top chemical distribution and chemical supply companies in the world. We work hard to live up to that reputation. We will make every effort to be your most valuable asset and dependable resource.

The Yixin Chemical Company is a custom manufacturer of high quality metal salts and organic compounds. We invite you to review our product listing. We offer both custom and standard products in container and bulk packaged according to your needs and delivered in a timely manner.
Our custom manufacturing program consists of laboratory synthesis, pilot development and rapid scale-up. Click here to review our capabilities in more detail.
Yixin's products find their way into every facet of our daily lives. The uses and applications of Shepherd's products cover a broad range including lubricants, electronics, rubber adhesion, catalyst, pigments, personal care, metal finishing, nutrient supplements, and polymer additives.

Sales Manager: Angelina
ADD:3/F Jiading Internation Building, No.818 Tianzhu Rd., Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 18964359722  Fax:+86 2139517711  Email: sales06@yixinchemical.com 

